Talasumi Webpage – test,test!

Alright, finally there is the website where all the creatures will live.
There you can download the app, the book or just read about the creatures.

This is the initial version of the page and any feedback and ideas how it can get nicer is welcome! The creatures need to have a cozy digital home.




My curious experiment to print the book.

Ecological print.
15 colors.
Different rasters.

Many many thanks to Lulu Mendelova who patiently showed me every step of the risography process. After trying several copies and magic ink settings, this is the final result of the first printed spread:


It was tested and the color or the raster work without problems with the application: https://www.facebook.com/ochdoch/videos


If you are curious to find out more about risography, you can take a look here:



Or if you want to print your own pages, you can drop Lulu a line:




Curious to take a look at some of the creatures? Here they are!


So here are the first guys from the party! A group of karakondjuli, a graceful samovila, a beautiful stia, a zmei and his enemy, a lamia! 


Some of them dance, others can swim and some can even fly.

The three flying creatures are the zmei, lamia and hala. Zmei is the guardian of villages and the people that live there. They fly high in the sky and look around for hali and lami. They can bring heavy rains or on the opposite, stop rain for a long time and destroy crops. If you hear a thunderstorm, you should know…it is most probably that a zmei is fighting on of them. Let’s hope the zmei will win.

The beautiful swimming creature is a stia. Very similar to the mermaids, they are half fish and half women that live in rivers and lakes and are very very dangerous. Just do not go for water from a lake where it is known that a stia lives…bad things can happen.

The last one is the group of funny dancing guys. But they are actually not funny at all. Karakonjuli appear on earth only for one month, in January, but in this time they manage to make enough evil. They attack people in the night, ask them impossible riddles and throw them from high cliffs or into rivers if they cannot answer, or just ask people to carry them on their back until they get so tired that they die…but do not worry too much, if you don’t want to get into trouble, just avoid crossroads in the night in January or carry some garlic with you. This should work.


Talks about AR

Researching about augmented reality I found so many interesting materials.
Here is a list of the most interesting videos (in my opinion) that I found:

Augmented Reality – the 8th Mass Medium: Tomi Ahonen at TEDxMongKok

Even though is is from 2012, this video is so interesting and informative, imagine how much further AR has moved until now (2016).

Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology

One of the most inspiring projects for me which I guess is quite well known but it is worth sharing every time when I want to talk about mixing virtual and physical.

Marco Tempest: A magical tale (with augmented reality)

Let’s add some magic! Especially for my project about mythical creatures I find this video very interesting and inspirational :))))


So….there are many many interesting talks, but those are the ones I found most impressive for now 🙂

Expect this list to be extended…


Curious about what’s going on with the animations?
I will share one of the creatures. Those are samovili. Forest creatures that dance in forests in the night, take care of rivers, animals and trees, but they are very hostile to people that enter their forests.

If you go in the night deep in forests in the mountain, there is a chance to see them dancing. Pretty human like creatures in white clothes dancing “horo”.

Just be careful, they should not see you.

AR for navigation for books?

Books are a lovely medium! And organizing a book with its contents, chapters and pages is always an interesting challenge for me. But I was thinking, can I use augmented reality for something more than just animating the pages? What if I use AR for creating more connections between the pages? This is how I came up with this idea for navigation:


And this is the path of the animations when a page is scanned:
